Simple Things Digest

Hi Reader,

It's Sharon from Simply Home, back with a new edition of the Simple Things Digest.

Today, I'm sharing what Fall, Coke, and Comfort have in common.

On a Personal Note

Finding comfort has been my lifeā€™s pursuit.

When I think Iā€™ve found it, whether itā€™s in my home, friendships, food, or in a role, I tend to tighten my grip around that thing as if everything depends on itā€”even when itā€™s something as small as a fountain Coke.

Iā€™ve been a soda drinker since childhood, but through the results of my last endoscopy, Iā€™ve been called to let it go. I knew cutting my daily Coke habit was going to be hard. My first attempt was to cut back gradually until I was completely weaned off of it. That didnā€™t work. So, I went cold turkey.

I have been drinking tea to help curb any potential caffeine withdrawal headaches. So far so good. But, Iā€™m waking up in a very irritable mood. And, the lethargy is real. My body feels completely drained.

As I thought about giving up Coke and how it's affecting me, I realized two things:

  1. Getting out to drive thru for a fountain coke is a whole thing. It's been a simple pleasure Iā€™ve enjoyed since I was a teenager.
  2. Soda has served as an IV drip for my body. The caffeine, and I suspect all the added sugar as well, brought my tired bones to life. It gave me energy and woke me up. (I had a student once tell her mom that she could tell when Iā€™d had my Dr. Pepperā€”that was my soda of choice at the timeā€”because I was more giggly. She wasnā€™t wrong.)

The thought of letting go of something comfortable is scary. But as Autumn models for us in the falling leaves, it is a necessary part of life. It allows for rest and prepares us for growth.

And so it is for me and quitting Coke.

It's been physically and even emotionally challenging, but giving up the familiarity and comfort of a lifelong daily ritual is creating space for the healthier, more vital version of me that I've envisioned for years now.

I'm sharing the story of the first big step I took toward her, along with what I've learned about the art of letting go in The Art of Letting Go of What No Longer Serves You. Enjoy this snippet...



One October morning, I made a decision to end my eighteen year teaching career.

Once this particular school year began, the stress of the job and home life started to affect my health. I was in pain. I had trouble sleeping. IBS symptoms grew worse. I really couldnā€™t take the stress anymore.

So on that fateful morning, I shut out all the voices except my own. I opened my computer, filled out formal resignation forms and pressed send.

It was done.

Iā€™d finally stood up for myself, despite what anyone else would think or say. The only opinion that mattered to me at that moment was my own.

With that newfound empowerment, I took all the necessary steps...




Simple Things

The older I get, the more my eyes seem to shrink. It's hard to accept my changing appearance as I age, so I was so delighted to find an eye opening trick that works.

I have a bob haircut. If If I let it dry naturally, it looks like a very unflattering triangle that emphasizes all the wrong features. But when I style it like this, I get the chic, sexy bob I'm going for.

Frankly, I've been a bit stressed lately. Then I came across this perspective on stress that really made me think about the role of stress in our lives. Definitely worth a read. (You may have to sign up for Substack to read the article. It's free to sign up.)

I love this guyā€™s answer to the question, ā€œHow do I let go of ____________?ā€


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So, tell me....

Where I'm from, if you asked for a Coke, you were asked "What kind?" followed by a selection of Dr. Pepper, Coke, Sprite...

So I'm curious, what do you call sodas?



How can I help?

If you need to declutter, but aren't sure where to start, pick up a copy of my best-selling book, Home on Purpose: Mindful Living in a Hectic World. It's like hiring a professional organizer (me) for the price of a paperback. (or for free is you have Kindle Unlimited)

Are your kitchen counters covered in paper piles? I've got you! Grab my new guide, Chaos to Calm, to put those papers in their place once and for all.

Hosting season is here! Create a warm welcome for your guests with my Fall Entertaining Essentials.

Thank you for joining me today. It's my pleasure to walk alongside you in your 'simply home' journey.

Wishing you simplicity and ease,

The Simple Things Digest šŸ”

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